Tech Company Financing Transactions

AppDynamics Funding Round

AppDynamics, based in San Francisco, secured $50 million in funding from IVP, Greylock Partners and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Announced On
Transaction Type
Venture Equity
Series D

IVP (Lead Investor) (Somesh Dash)

Greylock Partners (Asheem Chandna)

Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (Matthew Murphy)

Lightspeed Venture Partners (Ravi Mhatre)

Proceeds Purpose
The company will use the proceeds to expand sales and marketing initiatives.

Company Information

Company Status
Acquired or Merged
Mailing Address
303 Second St. North Tower 8th Fl.
San Francisco, CA 94107
Email Address
Not Recorded
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Management Team

Email & Social
Jyoti Bansal
  Jyoti Bansal LinkedIn Profile  Jyoti Bansal Twitter Account  Jyoti Bansal News  Jyoti Bansal on Facebook
Chief Executive Officer
David Wadhwani
  David Wadhwani LinkedIn Profile  David Wadhwani Twitter Account  David Wadhwani News  David Wadhwani on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Randy Gottfried
  Randy Gottfried LinkedIn Profile  Randy Gottfried Twitter Account  Randy Gottfried News  Randy Gottfried on Facebook
Chief Marketing Officer
Steven Wastie
  Steven Wastie LinkedIn Profile  Steven Wastie Twitter Account  Steven Wastie News  Steven Wastie on Facebook
VP - Customer Service
Hatim Shafique
  Hatim Shafique LinkedIn Profile  Hatim Shafique Twitter Account  Hatim Shafique News  Hatim Shafique on Facebook
VP - Operations
Joe Sexton
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VP - Product Management
Bhaskar Sunkara
  Bhaskar Sunkara LinkedIn Profile  Bhaskar Sunkara Twitter Account  Bhaskar Sunkara News  Bhaskar Sunkara on Facebook



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We do our best to report on tech company VC transactions. VC investment data records reported here come from a variety of public sources. The data comes to us via our partnership with, an affiliated venture.


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