Sell a Business Tips

Selling a Screen Printing Equipment and Supplies Business

We hear it all the time: 'This economy is a hostile environment for a business sale.' However, screen printing equipment and supplies businesses haven't heard the news and are reporting steady action on the business-for-sale market.

You survived all the ups and downs of owning a business. Next, you'll need to prepare yourself to address the rigors of selling a screen printing equipment and supplies business.

The business-for-sale market is extremely dynamic. Knowledgeable entrepreneurs understand that market timing isn't nearly as important as other factors in a screen printing equipment and supplies business sale. To improve sale outcomes, you will simply need to tailor your screen printing equipment and supplies business to today's buyers.

When Is the Right Time to Sell?

When is it the right time to sell your screen printing equipment and supplies business? If you're asking the question, now may be the time to put your business on the market. There are a lot of naysayers out there advising screen printing equipment and supplies business sellers to put their plans on hold until the economy fully rebounds. At Gaebler, we have a much more optimistic view of your chances in the screen printing equipment and supplies business-for-sale market. The inventory of what we consider to be quality screen printing equipment and supplies businesses is actually low right now and there is room for the right sellers to realize substantial gains with investment-conscious buyers.

Sweetening the Deal

Like it or not, prospective buyers are going to ask you to make certain concessions in the sale of your screen printing equipment and supplies business. But don't limit your view of concessions to financial incentives. When you've reached your limit on price, consider offering non-cash concessions to encourage a commitment from the buyer. In the current economy, seller financing is becoming common in screen printing equipment and supplies business sales. If the prospect is inexperienced or lacks credentials in the industry, you can also offer to stay with the business for a specified period of time to help the new owner get on his feet and introduce him to your network of industry contacts.

Legal Considerations

It's obvious that you're going to need to hire an attorney to finalize the sale of your screen printing equipment and supplies business. A good lawyer serves a variety of functions during the process. In addition to reviewing the letter of intent, sales contract, and other documents, your attorney should be capable of advising you about due diligence and the tax consequences of the sale. We recommend hiring an attorney early in the process to gain insights about the legal consequences of various sale outcomes.

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