Bus Bench Advertising

Bus Bench Advertising Tips

Investing in bus bench ads? Bus bench advertising can be effective, but you won't succeed if you put your bench ad campaign on autopilot. Our bus bench advertising tips provide tried and true suggestions for making the most of your next rounds of bench ads.

Bus bench advertising isn't new.

Visit any urban area and you will immediately notice that bus stops are magnets for business marketing. But it might surprise you to learn that many of the bus bench ads you see aren't as effective as they could be. Although it looks easy to slap an ad on a bench, there is an art to designing bench ads that gain maximum exposure.

To really make a difference with bus bench advertising you have to appreciate its strengths and recognize its limitations. Bus bench ads are not designed to be an exclusive promotional vehicle for your small business. But if you understand how to use them properly, they can significantly enhance your overall marketing efforts.

  • Keep it short. Bench ads have a very small amount of space in which to communicate information about your company. You'll only have enough room for a few words, your company logo and critical contact information.
  • Target geographically. A bench ad campaign lets you geographically target your advertising dollars. Before you place ads, you'll need to know which neighborhoods have the highest marketing value for your company. They will be the prime targets for bus bench advertising.
  • Integrate with other resources. Never approach a bus bench advertising campaign as a standalone initiative. Always look for ways to coordinate other marketing resources with your bus bench campaign by including your website or campaign slogans on your bench ad.
  • Use multiple locations. Repetition is the key to successful bus bench advertising. The more locations you have, the more likely it is that your ad will saturate your target audience.
  • Placement counts. The placement of you bus bench ad relative to the street and sidewalk is a very big deal. If drivers have to turn their heads while traveling at 30 mph, your bench ad will have limited success. Look for placements that put your ad in the direct line of sight of both pedestrians and drivers.
  • Beware illegitimate ad providers. Unfortunately, there are illegitimate and unethical brokers lurking around the bus bench advertising industry. Conduct due diligence to make sure your provider is legal and above board.

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