Funded Tech Companies

Skyline Solar

Skyline Solar, based in Mountain View, received investment capital from New Enterprise Associates.

Company Overview

Company Name
Skyline Solar
Company Status
Out of Business
Funding Rounds

Contact Information

Mailing Address
185 E Dana St
Mountain View, CA 94041
Email Address

Company Background Information

Skyline Solar manufactures medium-concentration photovoltaic systems that incorporate industry-proven silicon cells, durable reflector materials and single-axis tracking into a complete, easy-to-deploy system. Skyline systems delivers ten times more energy per gram of silicon than traditional flat panel systems in sunny locations.
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Company News
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Last Transaction

Financing History

Venture Equity
Venture Equity

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Tom Rohrs
  Tom Rohrs LinkedIn Profile  Tom Rohrs Twitter Account  Tom Rohrs News  Tom Rohrs on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Jeff Osorio
  Jeff Osorio LinkedIn Profile  Jeff Osorio Twitter Account  Jeff Osorio News  Jeff Osorio on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Bob MacDonald
  Bob MacDonald LinkedIn Profile  Bob MacDonald Twitter Account  Bob MacDonald News  Bob MacDonald on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Danny Cheung
  Danny Cheung LinkedIn Profile  Danny Cheung Twitter Account  Danny Cheung News  Danny Cheung on Facebook
VP - Manufacturing
John Backer
  John Backer LinkedIn Profile  John Backer Twitter Account  John Backer News  John Backer on Facebook
VP - Operations
Tim Keating
  Tim Keating LinkedIn Profile  Tim Keating Twitter Account  Tim Keating News  Tim Keating on Facebook

Company Investors




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