Marketing Advice By Business Type

Marketing a Sushi Bar

A profitable sushi bar is about more than supply and demand. It's about designing ways to entice new customers to engage with your products and to encourage existing customers to increase the frequency of their purchases.

The marketing model for a sushi bar has historically adapted to changes in consumer buying patterns and the market itself.

What to know the characteristics that distinguish leading sushi bars from the competition? Surprisingly, the ability to create clear brand messages often outweighs product quality and other considerations.


Messaging matters - but only to the degree that it communicates value to cost-conscious consumers. For centuries, entrepreneurs have understood that bundled products reinforce buyers' value concerns while increasing their business's total revenue position. Most sushi bars can leverage bundling to improve sales and attract new customers to the brand. Since the bundling concept is based on discounts, consumers expect to pay less for the bundle than they would if they were to buy the products separately, so you'll need to make sure your bundle offers real value to buyers.

Industry Resources

Lone rangers don't survive long in a sushi bar. Although there is a tendency to believe that the challenges you face are unique to your business, your competitors face many of the same marketing hurdles and obstacles. To overcome those obstacles, you'll need to tap into industry resources. The best resources are usually the ones that leverage industry-specific experience and the input of proven veterans.

Niche Marketing

A niche marketing approach is a good fit for small businesses, particularly sushi bars that hope to dominate a geographic of demographic wedge of the marketplace. By pursuing a niche strategy, you can increase ROI by funneling resources toward the customers who are most likely to buy your products.

As a side note, it's important to customize your marketing tools to accommodate a niche strategy. Leading mailing list providers can filter contacts for more cost-efficient and effective direct mail campaigns.

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