How to Reach Your Target Market

Marketing an Estate Appraisal and Liquidation Business

A profitable estate appraisal and liquidation business is about more than supply and demand. It's about designing ways to entice new customers to engage with your products and to encourage existing customers to increase the frequency of their purchases.

We recognize that the best estate appraisal and liquidation business owners are skilled marketers. However, capable marketing is elusive for many leaders in this industry.

Staying on track requires attention to detail and a commitment to foundational marketing principles.


At some point, your estate appraisal and liquidation business will engage in direct marketing. Direct mail has the advantage of delivering targeted messaging to qualified contacts within your company's market segment. Top-tier mailing list providers consistently deliver high impact and affordable lists to clients throughout the industry. Despite the added upfront expense, premium mailing lists are a smart investment if for no other reason than their ability to generate higher conversion rates.

Marketing Consultants

As a small business owner, it's tempting to think that you have what it takes to market your brand effectively. Maybe you do. But in our experience, there is no substitute for enlisting the services of a qualified marketing consultant. The best consultants possess a range of skills, including the ability to accurately communicate your estate appraisal and liquidation business' value proposition and messaging. Without the presence of an experienced professional, it's easy to miss opportunities in the marketplace and focus your efforts on outdated tactics. With technology playing a greater role in the estate appraisal and liquidation business marketplace, exposing your strategy to the influence of capable marketing professional should be a top priority.

Geolocational Marketing

Smartphones have added a new wrinkle to small business marketing. Equipped with GPS components, today's smartphones give consumers the ability to perform navigation and other geolocational tasks. As an estate appraisal and liquidation business owner, geolocational features can be a powerful weapon in your marketing arsenal. Geolocational marketing is an emerging trend. It's difficult (if not impossible) for small businesses to get in on the action without the assistance of a marketing firm that is experienced in creating mobile-based marketing strategies. Although cutting edge marketers are tailoring promotional messaging based on the viewer's current location, it may be enough to explore ways for consumers to be made aware of the presence of an estate appraisal and liquidation business in their immediate area.

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Additional Resources for Entrepreneurs

Lists of Venture Capital and Private Equity Firms

Franchise Opportunities


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