Small Business Startup News

SBA Names Echols West Coast Administrator

Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 7/2/2010

Elizabeth Echols was recently named SBA Administrator in Region.

There is breaking news for entrepreneurs - the U.S. Small Business Administration recently announced a new addition to its west coast operation.

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Overseeing the SBA in California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii and Guam will be Elizabeth Echols, who was recently named Regional Administrator in Region IX. In making the announcement, SBA Administrator Karen G. Mills spoke of Echols' impressive record in public service.

"Both the SBA and small businesses of the region will benefit greatly from Elizabeth's career in public service and commitment to innovation and business development," said Mills. She went on to say that her experience in "management, technology and green business" will help the region's small businesses grow and create jobs.

For her part, Echols said that she was "excited to have the opportunity to make a difference on the single biggest economic issue facing our country."

Before joining the SBA, Echol served as Director of the Northern California chapter of U.S. Green Building Council, where she focused on green job creation.

The SBA has been in the news in recent days after it announced that Marie C. Johns would serve as second in command behind Mills. Johns will oversee management, policy development and program supervision.

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