Louisiana Business Startup Guides

Open a Business in Colfax, Louisiana

Need help starting a business in Colfax, Louisiana? We've got the information you need to open a business in Colfax.

Colfax, Louisiana Demographic Information

Colfax has an active business community that includes small businesses, mid-sized businesses and large businesses.

To give you a better feel for Colfax demographics for small businesses, we have tabulated the small business sizes, based on number of employees, for business in Colfax.

Business Size
# of
1-4 Employees
5-9 Employees
10-19 Employees
20-49 Employees
50-99 Employees
100-249 Employees
250-499 Employees
500-999 Employees
1000+ Employees
All Colfax Businesses

As a new Colfax entrepreneur, you may also be interested in the table below. It shows how many businesses there are in Colfax for each business category. By looking at this chart, you can get a general sense for how much competition there is in the business niche that you are pursuing.

Business Type
# of
Beauty Salons
Child Day Care Services
Electrical Contractors
Finish Carpentry Contractors
Funeral Homes and Funeral Services
General Automotive Repair
Insurance Agencies and Brokerages
New Car Dealers
Nursing Care Facilities
Offices of Lawyers
Pharmacies and Drug Stores
Professional Organizations
Support Activities for Forestry
Used Household and Office Goods Moving
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Water Supply and Irrigation Systems
Wired Telecommunications Carriers

Naming the Company

A big decision when starting a company is choosing a company name. Believe it or not, choosing a good company name can be a big contributor to your business success.

Before you decide on a company name, run it by some prospective customers and see what they think. If they don't like it, it's probably a good idea to go back to the drawing board.

To get up to speed on what makes for a good company name, we encourage you to read this useful article: Branding Advice.

On a final note, given that you are planning on starting a business in Colfax, it's imperative that you check now that your company name has not already been claimed by another Louisiana business.

Forming a Company in Colfax, Louisiana

A critical step is ensuring that you form your business as a legal structure. Doing so will protect you from personal liability for business debts and obligations.

When forming a company, you will pick from many company types, such as a corporation, LLC, sole proprietorship, partnership or other structure.

Incorporating is a very common way to legally create a business entity. Of course, you have to decide which type of corporation to form and where to incorporate. If you are starting a business in Louisiana, it doesn't mean you are required to incorporate in Louisiana. In fact, you can incorporate wherever you want. For example, it's very popular to incorporate in Delaware, and incorporating in Nevada has become very trendy as well. Don't forget, though, that you will have to register as a foreign entity in all states that you do business in.

There are many nuances to forming a company. We recommend you read some of the educational articles about company formation that are availabe on our site, such as Where to Incorporate. You may also want to seek the advice of an attorney. On a final note, since you will be starting a business in Colfax, Louisiana, our web page covering Incorporating in Louisiana may be a useful resource if you decide to incorporate in Louisiana.

Do You Need a Business Plan?

Having a business plan is essential to the health of your new business. Simply put, a business plan describes what you plan to do with the business and how you plan to do it. Not having a business plan makes you more prone to becoming a business failure statistic.

To learn more about business plans, read Expert Advice on Business Plans. A great resource for business planning assistance is the free business counselors available to you through your local SCORE chapter in Louisiana.

Where to Get Money to Start a Company

Raising money to fund your new Colfax business will be harder than you might expect. If you don't have a rich uncle to fund you, you'll need to be creative in how you approach your fundraising efforts.

Take advantage of our many articles on securing funding, such as 504 Loans.

For Colfax entrepreneurs who need startup capital, check out our List of Louisiana Angel Investors and our List of Louisiana Venture Capital Firms.

Marketing Your New Venture

Whether your goal is to attract Colfax customers or you plan on selling elsewhere, having an excellent marketing plan is fundamental to your business achieving its goals.

There are myriad resources on this site to help you with your marketing plan. Media Kits discusses marketing strategy and tactical marketing in a way that should get you thinking about how to creatively promote your business. That's just a taste of the many useful articles we have on Marketing a Small Business.

Bring in Revenues

Mastering the art of selling is essential if you want your new Colfax business to do well.

Why should customers buy from you instead of buying from competitors? Let us help you refine your selling techniques through our many useful sales advice tips.

Selling Stuff on the Web is a good article to read, one of dozens in the Selling for Entrepreneurs section of our site.

Never Give Up

Most new Colfax businesses underestimate the number of challenges they will face.

From this point on, you control your own destiny.

Our goal here is to promote the vitality and growth of small businesses in Colfax and throughout the United States . We believe entrepreneurship is an amazing engine for job creation in Colfax, neighborhood development and overall economic health.

More Entrepreneurial Resources for Starting a Business in Colfax, Louisiana

Here are more links that we believe will help you be successful in starting a business in Colfax.

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Additional Resources for Entrepreneurs

Lists of Venture Capital and Private Equity Firms

Franchise Opportunities


Business Glossary