Small Business Public Relations
Building Expertise as an Entrepreneur
Written by Kathryn Lang for Gaebler Ventures
Getting your name out to others builds your level of expertise as an entrepreneur. It also helps to increase your importance in your field. Speaking, writing and teaching are three ways to build expertise as an entrepreneur.
The more people look to you as an expert in your field as an entrepreneur then the more opportunities you will be able to develop for you and for your business.

Becoming an expert can mean getting more education in an industry. Expert status can be given to individuals that write and speak on a subject on a regular basis.
Developing the label of expert as an entrepreneur requires finding ways to get in front of people in your field.
Civic organizations, book clubs and other venues are always on the lookout for speakers. Let your friends and family know that you are available to speak on your subject. You may not get paid to speak at these events, but each speaking opportunity will serve to build your expertise as an entrepreneur as well as in your niche.
Speaking at smaller gatherings can provide you with the skills and opportunities to speak at larger gatherings. Be sure to tape the presentations that you give so that you have samples to post on your website. These samples can also be put on a disk to send out to other groups.
The more your name gets attached to an industry then the more you will build your expertise in that field. Creating a blog or website and filling it with informative content helps others see you as an expert in the industry. Writing content for other websites will expand your audience for your own website and will also increase your level of expertise.
Industry publications and regional papers may be in the market for a regular contributor. Create some sample articles and send a query letter (an introductory letter expressing your interest in writing).
You may also want to consider writing about book about your journey as an entrepreneur. It can be tips on your niche or about your overall journey. You have a story to tell and there are others that can learn from where you have been.
The more places your name appears then the higher your level of expertise as an entrepreneur will rise.
Standing at the front of the class automatically raises your level of expertise. It does not matter where the class is held or how many students attend the class. Being a teacher invokes a since of expertise. Entrepreneurs can offer to teach courses about entrepreneurial business or niche specific courses.
Junior colleges, recreation departments and community centers are often on the lookout for new courses and new teachers. Classes can also be taught online through a number of different avenues (from webinars held on your own site to online educational programs).
Sometimes teachers will receive a percentage of the income made from the class. Courses taught on a volunteer basis still increase the level of expertise for the entrepreneur.
Becoming an expert as an entrepreneur will grow your opportunities. Look for every avenue to get your name in front of your peers and your potential customers to build your level of expertise.
Kathryn Lang is a professionial writer and motivational speaker. She enjoys writing about a wide variety of business topics including youth businesses and finance.
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