Funded Tech Companies

Ion Torrent Systems

Ion Torrent Systems was a biopharmaceutical company, based in Guilford. The company was purchased by Life Technologies.

Company Overview

Company Name
Ion Torrent Systems
Company Status
Acquired or Merged

Contact Information

Mailing Address
37 Soundview Road
Guilford, CT 06437
Email Address

Company Background Information

Ion Torrent has pioneered an entirely new approach to sequencing that enables a direct connection between chemical and digital information. Ion Torrent technology doesn't use light--it's the first commercial PostLight sequencing technology.
Ion Torrent Systems LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Ion Torrent Systems Company Twitter Account
Company News
Ion Torrent Systems News
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Last Transaction

Financing History

Venture Equity

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan Rothberg
  Jonathan Rothberg LinkedIn Profile  Jonathan Rothberg Twitter Account  Jonathan Rothberg News  Jonathan Rothberg on Facebook
Gregg Fergus
  Gregg Fergus LinkedIn Profile  Gregg Fergus Twitter Account  Gregg Fergus News  Gregg Fergus on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Thomas Roth
  Thomas Roth LinkedIn Profile  Thomas Roth Twitter Account  Thomas Roth News  Thomas Roth on Facebook
VP - Finance
Jamie Kole
  Jamie Kole LinkedIn Profile  Jamie Kole Twitter Account  Jamie Kole News  Jamie Kole on Facebook
VP - Manufacturing
Wayne Woodard
  Wayne Woodard LinkedIn Profile  Wayne Woodard Twitter Account  Wayne Woodard News  Wayne Woodard on Facebook
VP - Marketing
Maneesh Jain
  Maneesh Jain LinkedIn Profile  Maneesh Jain Twitter Account  Maneesh Jain News  Maneesh Jain on Facebook
VP - Sales
Brian McKelligon
  Brian McKelligon LinkedIn Profile  Brian McKelligon Twitter Account  Brian McKelligon News  Brian McKelligon on Facebook
VP - Sales
Armin Winands
  Armin Winands LinkedIn Profile  Armin Winands Twitter Account  Armin Winands News  Armin Winands on Facebook

Company Investors




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