Funded Tech Companies


Terminus is a leading software company, located in Atlanta. Financial backing came from Great Hill Partners, Atlanta Equity Investors and Edison Partners.

Company Overview

Company Name
Company Status
Private & Independent
Funding Rounds

Contact Information

Mailing Address
3280 Peachtree Rd. NE 8th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30305
Email Address

Company Background Information

Terminus helps B2B companies use account-based marketing to drive more revenue and accelerate pipeline velocity.
Terminus LinkedIn Company Profile
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Last Transaction

Financing History

Venture Equity
Venture Equity
Venture Equity
Venture Equity
Venture Equity

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Timothy Kopp
  Timothy Kopp LinkedIn Profile  Timothy Kopp Twitter Account  Timothy Kopp News  Timothy Kopp on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Oliver Bell
  Oliver Bell LinkedIn Profile  Oliver Bell Twitter Account  Oliver Bell News  Oliver Bell on Facebook
Chief Marketing Officer
Daniel Incandela
  Daniel Incandela LinkedIn Profile  Daniel Incandela Twitter Account  Daniel Incandela News  Daniel Incandela on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Ed Frederici
  Ed Frederici LinkedIn Profile  Ed Frederici Twitter Account  Ed Frederici News  Ed Frederici on Facebook
Sangram Vajre
  Sangram Vajre LinkedIn Profile  Sangram Vajre Twitter Account  Sangram Vajre News  Sangram Vajre on Facebook
Eric Vass
  Eric Vass LinkedIn Profile  Eric Vass Twitter Account  Eric Vass News  Eric Vass on Facebook
Vice President
Lindsay Cordell
  Lindsay Cordell LinkedIn Profile  Lindsay Cordell Twitter Account  Lindsay Cordell News  Lindsay Cordell on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
Bryan Brown
  Bryan Brown LinkedIn Profile  Bryan Brown Twitter Account  Bryan Brown News  Bryan Brown on Facebook
VP - Finance
Ben Warren
  Ben Warren LinkedIn Profile  Ben Warren Twitter Account  Ben Warren News  Ben Warren on Facebook
VP - Marketing
Derek Slayton
  Derek Slayton LinkedIn Profile  Derek Slayton Twitter Account  Derek Slayton News  Derek Slayton on Facebook
VP - Operations
Sydney Cummings
  Sydney Cummings LinkedIn Profile  Sydney Cummings Twitter Account  Sydney Cummings News  Sydney Cummings on Facebook
VP - Product Management
John Field
  John Field LinkedIn Profile  John Field Twitter Account  John Field News  John Field on Facebook
VP - Product Management
Bryan Wade
  Bryan Wade LinkedIn Profile  Bryan Wade Twitter Account  Bryan Wade News  Bryan Wade on Facebook
VP - Sales
Timothy Satterwhite
  Timothy Satterwhite LinkedIn Profile  Timothy Satterwhite Twitter Account  Timothy Satterwhite News  Timothy Satterwhite on Facebook

Company Investors




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