Funded Tech Companies

Heartscape Technologies

Heartscape Technologies is a medical devices company, based in Columbia. VC investment was provided by Scottish Equity Partners, Investor Growth Capital and Radius Ventures.

Company Overview

Company Name
Heartscape Technologies
Company Status
Acquired or Merged
Funding Rounds

Contact Information

Mailing Address
9160 Rumsey Road B-8
Columbia, MD 21045
Email Address

Company Background Information

Heartscape is engaged in the development and marketing of the PRIME Electrocartography System, an FDA cleared medical device that accurately and rapidly diagnoses heart attacks and ischemia in the emergency room setting - enabling earlier intervention, a central factor in reducing patient death and morbidity.
Heartscape Technologies LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Heartscape Technologies Company Twitter Account
Company News
Heartscape Technologies News
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Last Transaction

Financing History

Venture Equity
Venture Equity
Venture Equity
Venture Equity

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Arthur Hiller
  Arthur Hiller LinkedIn Profile  Arthur Hiller Twitter Account  Arthur Hiller News  Arthur Hiller on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Donald Foscato
  Donald Foscato LinkedIn Profile  Donald Foscato Twitter Account  Donald Foscato News  Donald Foscato on Facebook
Carl Rebert
  Carl Rebert LinkedIn Profile  Carl Rebert Twitter Account  Carl Rebert News  Carl Rebert on Facebook
VP - Marketing
Paul Curley
  Paul Curley LinkedIn Profile  Paul Curley Twitter Account  Paul Curley News  Paul Curley on Facebook
VP - Operations
Paul Phillips
  Paul Phillips LinkedIn Profile  Paul Phillips Twitter Account  Paul Phillips News  Paul Phillips on Facebook
VP - Sales
Kim Hillis
  Kim Hillis LinkedIn Profile  Kim Hillis Twitter Account  Kim Hillis News  Kim Hillis on Facebook

Company Investors




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