Franchise Opportunities

Johnny's Lunch

Looking for an established business to team up with? You might want to talk to the folks at Johnny's Lunch.

Franchise Profile — Johnny's Lunch

Johnny's Lunch first opened in 1936 serving affordable lunches to their customers.

Today, Johnny's Lunch continues to grow serving affordable lunches across the contry. Their retro-designed restaurants gives and old-time feel to their quality food. Visit the Johnny's site for a first hand look at a promising franchise opportunity.

Learn More About Johnny's Lunch

For more information on this franchise opportunity, visit:

Johnny's Lunch

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This franchise information is neither a recommendation nor an endorsement of any franchise or business opportunity. The information is intended only to introduce our site visitors to partnering with a third-party group as a potential option for starting a new business. Franchise opportunities featured on our site may contain errors, and the information may be out of date. In addition, some franchise opportunities on our site may more properly be classified as business opportunities. You should always do your own independent and extensive research before investing in a franchise, as buying a franchise is inherently risky. Do the necessary due diligence, thoroughly review the legal documents, check references and engage qualified advisors before you invest.

Additional Resources for Entrepreneurs

Lists of Venture Capital and Private Equity Firms

Franchise Opportunities


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