Small Business Startup News
Expert Advice For Small Business Owners
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 10/7/2011
Many small business owners are hesitant to participate in promotional deals offered by networking sites and large companies, or do not know how to approach the media to create brand awareness. Lisa Elia and The Business Finance Store address these concerns.
Lisa Elia Public Relations recently announced it will hold a second Meet the Media Day, where 300 entrepreneurs, 12 members of the media and special guest speakers will come together to share ideas and learn new information on best small business practices. The event will feature discussions on business building and publicity strategies and connections that will help small businesses and entrepreneurs experience growth.
Lisa Elia will also interview media professionals in front of all the attendees as she illustrates her step-by-step publicity system that she has found to be successful. Event attendees will also be able to listen to and engage in a panel discussion with media experts, sharing their likes and dislikes and strategies for how to best pitch a story to journalists.
Also helping small businesses jump start their advertising campaigns, The Business Finance Store is offering tips to SMB owners on how to take advantage of Facebook's advertising for small businesses deal as well as the FedEx small business support program, even after the promotions are done. The Business Finance Store aims to guide small business owners through each of the programs available to them, highlighting the benefits and the long-term effects each program could have on the business's profits and advertising.
The store hopes to show SMB owners that the deals are beneficial to both small businesses as well as Facebook and FedEx, thus they can trust their marketing dollars will be well-spent on a legitimate campaign.
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