Small Business Technology News
Focus Group Focuses On Small Business Tech Concerns
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 8/25/2010 study reveals small business owners want 24-hour service.
What do small business owners want when it comes to help with computers? One focus group study by an online company recently sought to answer just that question. gathered a group of small business owners in Cincinnati and Philadelphia in July and asked them what they were looking for and what problems they had when it came to working with technology experts on software and computer issues.
Among the most important things to these business owners was a service that was available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. They also wanted the technology experts to be able to recommend the best products to buy for an office in order to help their businesses run more efficiently. Another big issue was the need for these business owners to make unlimited calls. COO Anthony Rodio said that the results of the focus group gave insight into what customers wanted.
"We believe there is a substantial opportunity to deliver high quality remote services to this customer base over the phone and the internet," Rodio said. is working hard to make its tech support reach new parts of the world. The company just announced that it was celebrating its one-year anniversary in India, which it said had been a successful venture thus far in the latest technology news for small business.
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