Tech Company M&A Transactions

Confirma Acquisition

Operating out of Bellevue, Confirma was purchased by Merge Healthcare. The companies indicated that total deal value was $22 million.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Acquired By
Announced On
Transaction Type
M&A Terms
Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Company Information

Company Status
Acquired or Merged
Medical Devices & Instruments
Mailing Address
11040 Main Street 100
Bellevue, WA 98004
Email Address
Confirma delivers products and services that improve confidence in MRI and help practices meet the growing demand for MRI studies.
Confirma LinkedIn Company Profile
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Company News
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Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Wayne Wager
  Wayne Wager LinkedIn Profile  Wayne Wager Twitter Account  Wayne Wager News  Wayne Wager on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Nick Dykstra
  Nick Dykstra LinkedIn Profile  Nick Dykstra Twitter Account  Nick Dykstra News  Nick Dykstra on Facebook
Executive Vice President
Daniel Bickford
  Daniel Bickford LinkedIn Profile  Daniel Bickford Twitter Account  Daniel Bickford News  Daniel Bickford on Facebook
VP - Marketing
Mary Gatewood
  Mary Gatewood LinkedIn Profile  Mary Gatewood Twitter Account  Mary Gatewood News  Mary Gatewood on Facebook
VP - R & D
Paul Budak
  Paul Budak LinkedIn Profile  Paul Budak Twitter Account  Paul Budak News  Paul Budak on Facebook



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Prev: 8/6/2009: LogicTree venture capital transaction
Next: 8/7/2009: Marathon Technologies venture capital transaction


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