Hiring and Managing Customer Service Staff
When to Fire a Customer Service Rep
Some people just aren't cut out for customer service roles. Although it will be difficult on both you and your employees, you need to know when it's time to fire a customer service rep.
Employee termination can be a devastating experience.

No one likes the idea of being forced to admit personal failure, not to mention the blow a firing delivers to the individual's personal finances and career progression.
Termination isn't any easier for employers. Although you can minimize the need for terminations by improving your recruiting strategy, employee misconduct or performance issues can still crop up - even with employees who initially seemed to be career-level professionals.
Knowing when to fire a customer service rep is more of an art than a science. There are several scenarios that indicate the end is near. However, the presence of single scenario may or may not necessitate immediate termination. Termination should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but here are some of common situations that should raise red flags with customer service managers.
- When reasonable job requirements haven't been met. Clearly, poor job performance can't be tolerated in your customer service department. But before you rush to judge the performance of your workforce, make sure the job requirements are reasonable. A couple of under-performing workers are one thing; widespread underperformance may indicate that you've set the bar too high.
- When all necessary training resources have been provided. Some call center employees have the personality for customer service, but not the skills. If you have provided ample training opportunities and the employee has failed to translate their training into on-the-job performance, you may be fighting a losing battle.
- When probation and disciplinary procedures are ineffective. In most workplaces, the termination process begins with probation and other forms of discipline. Your company policy should describe the events leading up to termination. When the process has run its course, a firing decision is unavoidable.
- When severe policy violations have occurred. Certain workplace infractions demand immediate termination, especially when they threaten other workers or your company's future. But be sure to identify those infractions in the employee handbook before you fire someone on the spot.
- When you've tried everything else. Eventually, the day will come when you run out of options for saving an employee. When that moment arrives, keep your head held high and walk away from the relationship with a clear conscience, knowing that you've done everything you could for your worker and your business.
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